Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Offshore Drilling, Palin & the Deficit: Let's Export Oil!

Drill, drill, drill. Why and for whom? Big oil has no interest in lowering the price of oil. Politicians have their arms in the corn barrel. Only Sarah Palin can twist the arms of big oil to share profits from a huge increase in volume from the lifting of the ban on drilling offshore and in Anwar!
If we produce 50% of our oil consumption (versus the current 3%), any loss in profit will be offset by increase in volume. Big Oil will scramble for that volume. This is because Big Oil owns the lion’s share of our imported oil. The cry for windfall taxes is to support Democrat welfare programs and buy votes for Obama/Biden.
Palin forces big oil to choose. Back massive domestic exploration or face the consequences. Only Palin knows how to play that game. She did it in Alaska.
Share the profits and reduce the national debt. Palin did it in Alaska.


Anonymous said...

Of course you'd want to drill. You idiot! Have you ever thought to think about the consequences drilling would pose to the environment. I'm sure Sarah Palin isn't thinking about the environment and neither or you!

Anonymous said...

Wow. You really don't read much do you? The high oil prices are the result of speculation. If you follow the money trail you will find that over the earlier part of this year they were dumping tons of money into oil futures. The speculative bubble burst when consumption went down...which is why the prices have dropped recently. That reminds me, if the oil demand went down, here and places like China, then why do we need more. We don't need to drill, dril, drill...we need to regulate, regulate, regulate. In fact, tht would ave also stopped the mortgage crisis. But republicans do not want to regulate anything. You really should read more instead of being spoon fed what FOX news and Rush Limbaugh tell you.