Why drill for oil? To catch up with imports? But suppose Anwar, offshore California and the Gulf—plus the continental shelf could make us the world’s largest producer of oil? What would be the effect on our dollar or our deficit? Shouldn’t this be our goal? Supply would drive the price of oil downward. Is this any less important a goal than the Manhattan project?
When T. Boone Pickens points out that we give $400 billion per year to friends and enemies alike for oil we can’t produce—reverse the equation! What if with Anwar, offshore and the continental shelf, we were exporting $400 billion of oil to China, India, and other emerging economies? Would we not be once again the economic leader of the free world? Why do environmentalists have a hate of carbon at the expense of our national interests? Hasn’t global warming been disproved?
Regardless, how do we stop India, China and other developing nations in their pursuit of carbon? All our failures—banks, autos, and energy--can be traced to our loss in leadership in oil production starting in the 1940s. The Saudi sands were easy to drill. The continental shelf was unthinkable. But, technology changed—led by the United States. How did Al Gore’s greenies steal the march?
It is our technology propelling Petrobras, Russia, and even countries sympathetic to Chavez. Technology moves market to market. Oil in the ground is static. We must control crude oil in the ground in order to control the market.
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I disagree with your stand on the control of oil. I don't believe oil is our future. In fact, we are paving way for new technology that will replace crude oil in the near future. The list comprises of but is not limited to: hydrogen, fuel-cells, and tesla technology. These technologies are being impeded by oil moguls and conglomerates that want to continue nourishing their wealth from the crude oil market. Our innovations have been around for a while but development has been slow since these moguls have a strong grip on the political side. Global warming plays a crucial role in this too, because our tocix emissions aren't doing this planet any good, are they? We can reduce it by switching to more efficient technology that doesn't depend highly on crude oil.
Wyoming Valley Conservative says,
It is a crime not to drill ANWR. Thanks to the sham perpetuated by the left, we sit at the mercy of the Arabs rather than drill one of the biggest reserves in the world. Ask the governor of Alaska how much it will impact her state. Alaska wants to help us out of this situation. Outsiders won't let them.. While we are at it, How about dropping oppressive environmental restrictions so we can build more refining capacity ? Again, blame the tree huggers..
I certainly agree that we need to develop wind, solar, more natural gas and alternative fuels, but to take ANWR off the table makes about as much sense as Bill Clinton ignoring the threat of Osama Bin Laden.
Charlie , keep up the good work ... your the best !
The heart of our energy crisis lies in two main issues, the first is dependence on foreign oil, the second is energy speculation. Lifting a ban on offshore drilling, is not going to help us in the short term, and it is not going to help us in the long run (because in the grand scheme of things, it is not an immense amount of oil and it will only serve to prolong our addiction to oil).
Instead, in the short run, we need to ban oil speculation by individuals and corporations who are not affiliated with any actual refining operation. This will effectively take the volatility out of the oil commodity market, and make it so that oil prices don't wildly fluctuate with every news release regarding oil flow and production from the Persian Gulf. Secondly, I must reiterate that domestic oil is not a long term solution, it is at most a temporary fix. We need to break our addiction to oil, and the only way to do this is to invest in renewable energy sources, impose stricter regulations on MPG averages for car manufacturers, and progressively work towards a point where we no longer need oil.
I agree Daniel and anon. McCain is not in touch with reality on expanded drilling. Besides, the Big Oil companies already have 42 million acres off shore they have never done anything with. Even ANWAR would take 7-8 years just to get to the point of producing oil. By that time we could have invested in renewable carbon free energy sources, built a whole new technology and industry for employing hundreds of thousands, and denied the Oil countries billions and billions of our dollars.
Don't take this the wrong way Charles, but you need to do your own research and stop cutting and pasting the Bush/McCain talking points. I was a believer that found salvation in reality. Offshore drilling and ANWAR will provide only temporary relief. Crude oil is going the way of the Whale oil of the 19th century which made scandinavia like the Saudi Arabia of today. It will soon be an extinct energy source. Our national interests for the future (long after you and I are gone) depends on finding a replacement to oil and lead the world once again in the energy economy. If we can do that and cut down on global warming, the better it will be for our grandkid's grandkids.
Stop the devisive talk Charles. Sometimes people who care about the earth and our country actually care about the earth and our country.
OBAMA 08 mccain is a war monger and will continue to kill our brother fathers sisters and mothers over there if we dont get the hell out of there...everyone talks about a surge we wouldnt need to surge if bush wasnt war happy..we still dont have osama..afghanistan is gettin worse and pakistan is barely under control but we are baby sitting iraq..please give me a break with this insanity lets not mention the debt this clown has gotten us into
Expose Obama's economic agenda with the definitive bumper sticker of the '08 political season: I'LL TAKE YOUR DOLLARS AND GIVE YOU CHANGE. www.OBAMAtookmydollars.com.
Some absurd points and some just plain ridiculous ones in this article. Firstly the increase of oil supply will not send the price of gas downwards unless it massively outweighs the demand. The person who wrote this article needs to go back to economics 101The demand is only going to increase the longer we stay away from alternatives. In addition, "hasn't global warming been disproved?" Are you even serious.
We need to get away from these Republican scumbags and the idea that they are really looking out for our best interests. After McCAin starts WW3, he and his cronies will dissapear into their concrete bunker miles underground and leave all of us to suck on Nuclear fallout. Only then will it dawn on people just how stupid they have been for voting for these criminals.
What do you think about marie schriver for veep?
I have a bumper sticker "Want $10 Gas - Vote for Obama" They are available at www.tendollargasoon or you can e-mail us at energyforless@tendollargas.com for an order or free sample. We need to distribute as many as possible before October 15 - they raise the question and put Obama on the defensive. McCain supporters love them. Send your address if you want a sample or order. They are now buy one get one free.
Our last comment had wrong data. The web site is www.tendollargassoon.com. The e-mail is energyforless@tendollargassoon.com
I recently discovered your blog. I'm very impressed with your knowledge on all the issues being discussed for the current presidential campaign. The company created a 3D photo timeline of John McCain ( www.kronomy.com/user/john_mccain_new ), would you be interested in either adding the link or embed the 3D photo timeline to your site? It would be a good tool for McCain supporters to follow up on McCain related campaign events too. Let me know what you think, I look forward in corresponding with you.
Look what Obama is capable of here:
McCain is our only choice to save what we know as the United States of America. Obama can not be trusted. For all you Liberals leaving your URL's here is a very cool site that everyone needs to take a look at http://www.shoottheliberals.com .
While we clearly need more domestic energy production, including oil production, to state that global warming has been disproved is flat out wrong. I wish that conservative Republicans would embrace the conservation ethic of McCain's hero - Theodore Roosevelt.
The DNC has been entertaing. I just love the post at
williamclarklove.com that points out some funny and embarrassing aspects of David Miller's prayer.
Something entertaining to read during the aftermath of Obama's convention speech:
"global warming is a myth"
Hilarious. If you are retarded.
-Scientist by trade. Liberal by birth.
Global Warming has been disproved but there are still idiots, some of which posted comments on this blog that need to educate themselves. Liberals are ruining this country and I am definitely voting for McCain. A vote for Obama is for change alright....socialism!
It is my opinion that people who post anonymously do not have the b*lls to stand behind their statements.
Wow, after seeing Palin's lackluster speech I'm more afraid for this country now than before she opened her mouth. Is she the best McCain could muster? Scary. This is one Independent that has the sensibility to vote Obama. Thanks for helping solidify my vote, Palin!
recently in Aspen, a great talk was given by a harvard professor about the fact that if we don't do nuclear, in the united states asap, we are just short of doomed.... Literally hundreds and hundreds of square miles of solar and wind panels are needed to produce a fraction of what nuclear can.....
I was absolutely amazed at the lack of diversity in the crowd while watching Sarah Palin's "coming out"speech... talk about your sea of old, white faces. I realize that these folks are all loyal Republicans, but the RNC needs to understand that American demographics are quickly changing (i.e. the white majority is rapidly shrinking).
it's interesting to finally hear some conservatives actually talk about issues. Even with the election kicking into high gear I have not heard much from the republicans about the issues facing this country. If this article represents what I would be hearing from that side I can see why they aren't because anyone saying what was said in this article would be embarrased to do so in front of intelligent Americans. So many conservative blogs that I have been reading latly represent excatly what is wrong with this country, simply restating whatever it is that they hear from one source an not doing their own research. Please people on both sides of the isle read a book for once in your life, turn off the TV and read a book to get some real facts.
America is on drugs. People are walking around high, with their heads in the clouds. They say Barack is an elitist...but McCain has so many houses that he doesn't remember the count. George W. owned the Texas Rangers...but Obama is an elitist. This is the most blatant form of classism and strategic racism I've ever seen. If none of you can see it, you're in denial. White America i.e..the Republicans want to keep the leadership of America / the Leader of the free world "White." Point blank. To white America i.e. the GOP it's so rare to see a Black man reach these heights. It's so rare that he's not really serious, he's a celebrity. America is high. Politics is stupid. Everyone thinks they're right. You'll accept some stranger from Alaska, which is not even connected to the mainland, or a fair depiction of America as a whole. Ask yourself, how many Blacks, Hispanics, or Asians live in Alaska? How many urban communities are in Alaska? Juno? People don't realize the ramifications of this election. Whites don't want to relinquish that power that they've held for over 400 years. Instead, they'll let McCain, a senior who can't possibly do 2 terms serve, and God-forbid something happen to him and Palin take over...America will become an open target for every country east of the Mississippi. Who here really thinks that Iran would respect her or listen to her? Ha! If you believe that, then you believe that Saddam had WMD's, George W. is a saint, and Dick Cheney didn't shoot that guy. America is HIGH on CRACK!
For years now I have been ranting and raving about the politicians in Washington....We keep electing new ones, send them to Washington as Statesmen and in just a few short months they become politicians. It's how things are done in Washington. So if you want to get along, you have to go along. Tit for tat. But at last we have the opportunity to elect someone that I believe is like us....the average Americans....having had the same experiences we have had, going through a High School like us..going through college like us. Playing sports like us. Finding someone you like and admire to go on dates with...and eventually marrying, like us.....having kids and problems and issues (unexpected pregnancy) like us, choosing to do the right thing like us and follow the American Way in Family resolutions like us.... and then seeing issues and problems in our government like us...and then do something about it.......
So Now we have a Champion like us that has done and will do what is right to change the old ways in Washington (she has already done it in her home state of Alaska) of doing things....getting rid of partisan politics and working for the people. Wouldn't it be great if our elected Representatives changed from Republicans and Democrats to Americans when we send them to Washington. Well, it looks like we will finally get the "best of all worlds" in Sarah Palin. She is just like us. She is an American.
Drop me a line
As a retired military member, I can respect McCain’s service, but it does not justify all of the accolades that he receives (we had a lot of worthless, terrible, people in the military). If Obama was not a minority, it would be more okay for him to attack McCain on this issue--highlighting his failures and lack of intellectual competency as demonstrated in the military. McCain did receive preferential treatment because his father and grandfather were in the military. Military members know how the son and grandson of Admirals can receive preferential treatment. It is clear from McCain’s record that he was not a very goal driven office, more like an under performer (somewhat like George) but it is not fair game to bring this out and the media won't comment on it. However, the important thing that needs highlighting is McCain’s Judgment. His selection of Sarah Plain speaks volume to his motives and his judgment. The selection of Palin as Vice President Nominee shows the selfishness of John McCain to select someone for political purposes only. I get really tired of the news media and its inherent prejudices. McCain and Palin story is no more a great story than any other American Story that represents the values and ideas of this great nation. Sarah Palin's story is that of an attention getter. She first wanted the spotlight by being a beauty queen, then she wanted to be on TV (ESPN), and when those things failed, she decided to be a celebrity politician. I was stationed in Anchorage Alaska and I know a little bit about Wasilla (prejudice for one), but that's a "give-me" in most of small town America. The media does not comment when Sarah Palin says that her time as a small town mayor is equivalent to a community organizer, when there is really a big difference. As a mayor you are in charged and you do not have to work with people, you are treated differently because you are the boss. As a community organizer you must posses a skill of leading people that you are not the boss of (like Senators and Representatives) and getting those people to work together for a common purpose. The media and the McCain camp seems to forget that Obama was a state senator for 11 years, where is Palin’s equivalent experience. All of the media talks about what a great job Palin did with her speech, but no one notes the fact that she had been training for public speaking—as a beauty queen and aspiring sport announcer on ESPN. No one within the media comments on the shotgun weeding of the daughter and boyfriend. I am sure the boyfriend has been placed under enormous pressure to marry the daughter, so that everything looks good.
Oil is definitely not in our future. Particularly since the oil companies already have enough oil leases just sitting on their books. Why simply to boost their profits? What good is that for the american people? But then maybe i've missed the point until now. It's not about making America better, but to fill the pockets of CEO's of the oil companies and their investors. So from their point of view, drill drill and everyone else is on their own. That's going to improve our relations all around the world for sure. We're a nation of greedy, selfishness, and arrogance.
McCain's a WAR MONGER for sure. PALIN is MZ PIGGY. She's at top of the slop pile. Obtained more pork bellies than most. Right in there with what McCain's claims will change Washington. yep, yep
I am tired of these political games from both sides. The problem with America is the national debt. Eventually, our nation will become insolvent if we continue our current spending habits. Neither side offers a balanced budget. Drill or don't drill. It is irrelavent. Oil will not provide energy for us permantently. Neither candidate has a degree in economics, nor do I feel they understand the severity of continuing to spend more than we make.
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