Monday, June 23, 2008

Shame on TV

Watch TV coverage of the floods ravaging Iowa. Listen to herds of people screaming for federal help. Where are they? In a disaster multiples greater than Katrina. How does coverage differ from the coliseum in New Orleans? Where is the hysteria? Black Americans in New Orleans came from the poorest precinct in the city. TV turned a pitiful situation into a front page racial issue. Shame on TV! Those people were the poorest in the nation. Pawns of a corrupt mayor. They deserved better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! I wish I was into blogs a long time ago because I would've commented months ago. Where in Iowa did they leave people in a dome to fend for themselves? Or better yet, when did the media call Iowa residents "Refugees." False humility is the worse. You should be ashamed or yourself. You can't compare disasters. But you can compare how the concern and care differed in both storms.