Monday, June 23, 2008

Shame on TV

Watch TV coverage of the floods ravaging Iowa. Listen to herds of people screaming for federal help. Where are they? In a disaster multiples greater than Katrina. How does coverage differ from the coliseum in New Orleans? Where is the hysteria? Black Americans in New Orleans came from the poorest precinct in the city. TV turned a pitiful situation into a front page racial issue. Shame on TV! Those people were the poorest in the nation. Pawns of a corrupt mayor. They deserved better.

Lest We Forget

General Schwarzkopf conducted the first Iraqi war. A brilliant victory was won with the least casualties in modern warfare. Our state department turned victory into a winless truce. Defense secretary Rumsfeld, listening to field commanders, adopted more modern technology to wage a faster war--fewer civilian and military casualties. Saddam's air force flew to Iran as communications were knocked out on the first day.

Rumsfeld's press conferences humiliated the left-wing press with his unprecedented civility. Then came an American Caesar. Who appointed him? In a castle, residing as a Roman emperor, he turned liberation into occupation, freeing the Iraqi's army, their arms left, to be grabbed by both Shia and Sunni. Ancient hatreds were fueled by Alcida, creating a civil war. American troops were surrounded, ducking fire from both sides.

Finally as in Aristophenes' Trojan Women, civilians turned on their oppressors, allowing the achievement of order. Then came the miraculous General Petraeus. He concentrated on educating the people and the war was won. Victory to the people. But death to Alcida.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Call Their Bluff !

Democrats rail about the 68 million acres leased to oil companies not being drilled. Is it not possible that there is no oil under those acres? Has anybody asked? Has anybody replied? Acres do not produce oil!


What a Saturday! Watching the Democratic Party's handling of the Florida and Michigan primary votes, I found myself admiring Ione Herman, a hated enemy in the Clinton years. She was sad-faced but uncompromisingly open-minded and fair. Then Barack Obama delivered the most brilliant speech of this political season. Then came Harold Ickes, showing his deep hatreds. This election is not about Iraq, oil, the economy, or the environment. It's about character. On that basis, Senator McCain has no opposition.

Health Care Crisis

First, there is no health care crisis. No hospital denies care to anyone! As a result, hospitals are crowded in the emergency rooms by poor people looking for sympathy and companionship. Universal health care will free up the emergency room. My last two visits included a wide range of complicated tests, 80%-plus proving unnecessary. Gone is the house call internist. Every doctor's office administers blood, urine, and other tests. Doctors say that only by these tests can they exist with Medicare. Procedures pay—advice does not. When my doctor finally quit, he had figured out that 8 minutes was all he could afford per patient to break even. If government supported private health care, the screening triager, backed by well-paid internists, could reduce crowding in our hospitals. The idlers may wait all day. Legal?—probably not. Effective?—yes. A friendly government will create an effective health care system.


Hark! Who ventures through these dank mists? Hail! 'Tis noble Alex! What brings thee to this dreary place? 'Tis talk of a quarter, perchance a half, me hopes a point. But sooth! Our foes would have us believe that a mere quarter would sink our nation into inflation, unemployment, or both. What say you? Fear not. Our great nation has withstood the pestilences of the past fifty years. Have we not slain the ghost of that double-speak, Greenspan? Stand up, brother Hamilton in defiance. Proclaim our paper to be money good that our economy is the best in the world--our confidence in master Bernanke is steadfast. Defeat the Keynesian dragons that I may sleep--perhaps to dream of that shining city atop the hill.

EXXON Wins; Public Loses

Exxon is selling its gas stations to independent entrepreneurs. Its profits will rise. Price at the pump will also rise. Entrepreneurs will no longer be funded by “big oil.” The public will suffer with “big oil" out of the loop. Pressure to drill will be intense. The price of oil from the middle east may rise as Arab kingdoms go for their last bite. Faced with deficits, our government may sell its low cost “strategic” reserve at market prices to pay off our debt. That reservoir was based on the last World War--tanks, planes, and carriers. The next war will be over in weeks! The loser goes naked. Why do you think Bush and Cheney worry about nuclear proliferation? Wake up America!

Beating the Wrong Horse

Reverend Wade and Pastor Pflagler have known Barack Obama for over 20 years. What did they see? Perhaps they saw a man ill-suited to be President. Perhaps they sacrificed their own reputations. They saw a self-serving imposter capable of harming our freedoms and traditions, a vassal of Saul Alinsky. Perhaps we should listen again to these religious leaders. Take out the invectives and heed the warning. They are not fools.

Dick Durbin: Fool or Subversive?

Is Dick Durbin a fool or a subversive? On Tuesday, June 17th, Durbin blamed oil prices on speculation and called for a major increase in government employees to investigate the pink sheets and OTC. He blamed oil companies for not drilling in the 68 million acres they have under lease. Following Durbin was the CEO of a major drilling company. He pointed out that $150 million was the minimum cost to drill deep. Day rates for labor on rigs have risen from $30,000 to $350,000. In other words, Durbin would have oil companies drill in the 68 million acres where there may be no oil or if they drill deep in the ocean, they can expect excess profits taxes and if they raise equity that will be called dirty speculation. I own a few shares of Exxon and I am scared stiff. VOTE McCAIN !

Monday, June 16, 2008

TAXES-Let's Soak the Rich!

Phooey. The rich are too smart. They pay taxes based on their confidence in Congress. Rated at 20%, they don't risk much. Only John McCain can restore confidence. Then the rich will pay. Go out into the cornfields. In good times the farmer plants to the edge of the road; in bad times he buys tires and tractors. In good times the small oil operator uncaps his wells. Money is portable - the retired person can move his money. He can send it abroad, buy assets, voluntarily defer compensation. Millions of free entrepreneurs versus understaffed IRS - no contest! Only the rich are free from the IRS because they have legal options. Taxes inevitably fall on the middle class and the poor. Inflation affects the rich by reducing the purchasing power of their dollars. This is also a real tax on the rich. A wiser old owl once said, "if you want to catch buzzards, you have to learn their game!" McCain has fired many of those buzzards. Nobody cleans house faster. Drillers from Asia to South America are showing us that the supply of oil is not finite. We have no idea how big the supply is. But, it means we have time, with nuclear, coal, and natural gas backing us up. Then I can drive my SUV, eat steak, travel, and raise my standard of living. The goal of the left is to stunt growth, reduce our standard of living and make us accept a government-run police state.
Senator McCain can preserve our freedom.
Send him money!! VOTE McCAIN

Education in America

On June 12th, the Wall Street Journal reported an Oriental student with an almost perfect (2300, combined) SAT score is suing Princeton for discrimination. Accepted at Stamford, Yale and Harvard, he was turned down by Princeton. Out of the 17,564 applicants, 1271 were enrolled including 149 Asian Americans. Jian Li was just one too many. I attended Princeton in 1947 with high SATs, but a "C" average. There were less then 10 Asian Americans. Today's Asian Americans expose what's wrong with education in the United States. Our public education is unionized. It is top down - 12th grade to kindergarten. The highest absorption rate is in kindergarten. It is highest before the fourth grade. We know that uniforms create a democratic atmosphere. We know that excercise and singing classes open the mind. Classes lasting 50 minutes followed by excercise clear the mind. A curriculum of English (our language), math, American history, chemistry or biology and a foreign language--these courses were mandatory when I was in school. Where is time for feel-good studies? Exercise and sports filled out our day--the more competitive the better. Without this base, how can the fourth grader progress? The brightest kids I ever taught in Russia carried a heavier load. At Deerfield, two Asian Americans took all the prizes. My stepson's teacher turned to my wife and said, "they are no more intelligent than George - they just work harder." Why are student's from around the world crowding Americans out of our leading universities? Academics are upside down. Miraculously, most students survive notwithstanding a 90% left-wing academia. Too bad so few remain in America. Teachers up to the fourth grade should be our highest paid - most trained teachers. They open the door for our youth entering the high tech world which I can barely comprehend. Education is many times more difficult in today's world. Southeast Asia, Russia, Africa --all were barely noticed in my youth. Today they are whipping us. McCain knows! Vote McCain.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Residents of the United States should have a card which protects them against exploitation. This card wipes the slate of any potential tax liability or benefits which may have been received in contravention of our present laws. At the same time, it will also identify those who don't opt for a card. The local community can deal with each case one by one. As to a fence?? Why not?? Don't we lock our doors at night?! But first, let us deal fairly with working Mexicans who have given us cheaper vegetables for years!

Gasoline: $5.00 a gallon

$5 per gallon for gas. Let it go to $6! The public has awakened. Big oil has awakened. The environmentalists are dying. Drilling and refining will commence. In two years oil will be $35 per drum. Bio-fuels will be forgotten except for the few leaders who reside in jail. Free markets work. They take time. The fight for power over ordinary people's lives is led by ivy leaguers. It gives way to the common sense of mid-America. takes time.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The 2008 election will match off an 1880's William Jennings Bryan populist versus a Marc Hanna industrialist (now called technology). Obama's future change embraces the failed government policies of the past while Senator McCain grapples with the technology of the future. One must cheer this third generation Annapolis graduate forced to translate years of military service and torture to a political struggle with a party adrift. His steadfast character and unquestioned patriotism lifts the American Spirit. His support of environmentalism will translate into the practical. He will visit Alaska, evaluate deep drilling, boost nuclear and coal. He will see that biofuels are a politician's dream, a farmer's windfall and a consumer's nightmare. Does God intervene? Rainfall in the midwest has priced corn and soybeans out of the market. The price rise in food is not inflation. It is supply and demand. Oil is not priced by a cartel. There is no shortage. It is priced at the last barrel sold. Our government bought its oil on the cheap. With deep drilled oil abounding, our government can sell oil at market prices to the international oil companies. Prices will fall on gasoline. Our domestic companies will be encouraged to drill and compete with Mexico and Brazil. Are they not part of the Americas? Remember Arab oil still costs about $20.00 a barrel to drill. What finances those skyscrapers in Dubai?

You can't beat buzzards 'til you learn how to play their game. An honest man beats a clever man, like the tortoise beat the hare.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

John McCain

Senator McCain, you are Trumanesque, Reaganesque savior for our nation. Truman's many hardships and failings created the grit that carried him through a hostile Senate and finally made him a great President. Your Vietnam experience, horrible as it was, toughened you for the hardest job on Earth. Yet, you do not parade, nor does your family, their courage and accomplishments. That is what I admire most. After your Denver speech, it will be months before Republicans realize you have struck at the heart of the most serious threat to the world as it exists today. Nuclear Holocaust!! It will be a grueling campaign! You softly endear audiences with open questioning. You give the most profound facts about Iraq, terrorism, and the middle east. You expose existing rules not followed, committees, and people working and not working on assigned problems making Obama look like the very bright president of a high school class - a mile wide and an inch deep. You avoided the dirty politics Lincoln suffered and stood above it. He brought his adversaries back to serve him. That is your message. Obama's verbal brilliance masks a lazy mind lacking grit. Spend an hour on the killing floor of a meat packing plant and then look for American volunteers. We should be proud of our Mexican workers.

Amnesty is a Dirty Word!

Alien residents of the United States should have a card which protects them against exploitation. A card that wipes the slate clean of any potential liability or benefits which may have been received in contravention of our present laws. Our country must admit to the exploitation of these workers and we must set in motion the wheels of justice. Those who don't sign up may move back to their place of origin. The community in which others reside will deal with them case by case. The worker's card must be sought as a badge of freedom and opportunity. It must be a program of equity rather than retribution. Those who object will inevitably betray the special interests they are trying to protect. Border issues are another totally separate issue. Maintaining a tight border is an oxymoron. Does anyone leave his front door unlocked at night?


On Sunday, June 8, 2008, the answer to Democratic foreign policy was apparent. 85-year-old Henry Kissinger should be 'Honorary Secretary of State'. Let him explain how he opened the relationship with China. No top level meetings, only intermediaries--some succeeded, some failed. First meetings held in secret. Strategy formed by both sides. A slow buildup of trust. Obama's approach sounds like a high school student's graduation!

It Starts Here!

The effect of tax rebates--to whom and for what? It is charitable to help the poor. Checks to reduce debt...ask yourself...whose debt? The grocery store or government taxes? Then ask...where rebate checks to the wealthy go? What is reduced? It increases capitol, hires more workers, buys more equipment for new workers. This is why tax cuts work. The effect of freeing capitol in a growing society makes $1,000 grow to $5,000. Our government causes no one to produce! It is the most darkly held secret of the left. A conspiracy not to help the poor, but to enslave them!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hello fellow conservatives (hopefully.)

Within a week, I'll try my first editorial blog--wish me luck.